A Scalable Approach to Quantum Simulation via Projection-based Embedding

Published in arXiv, 2022

Recommended citation: Ralli, A and Williams de la Bastida, M. and Coveney, P.V. (2022). "A Scalable Approach to Quantum Simulation via Projection-based Embedding" arXiv. 1(1). http://academicpages.github.io/files/projection-based-embedding.pdf

Owing to the computational complexity of electronic structure algorithms running on classical digital computers, the range of molecular systems amenable to simulation remains tightly circumscribed even after many decades of work. Quantum computers hold the promise of transcending such limitations although in the current era the size and noise of these devices militates against significant progress. Here we describe a new and chemically intuitive approach that permits a subdomain of the electronic structure of a molecule to be calculated accurately on a quantum device, while the rest of the molecule is described at a lower level of accuracy using density functional theory running on a classical computer. We demonstrate that our method produces improved results for molecules that cannot be simulated fully on quantum computers but which can be resolved classically at a lower level of approximation. Our algorithm is tunable, so that the size of the quantum simulation can be adjusted to run on available quantum resources. Therefore, as quantum devices become larger, our method will enable increasingly large subdomains to be studied accurately.

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Recommended citation: Ralli, A and Williams de la Bastida, M. and Coveney, P.V. (2022). “A Scalable Approach to Quantum Simulation via Projection-based Embedding” arXiv. 1(1).